June Update 2019


First Production Nautilus Completed!

Trial production of the Nautilus is officially underway! We completed assembly of the first of our six trial Nautili that will form our print farm and we’re very happy with how it turned out. The printer is looking and working great so we will begin producing parts for the final production run this week! It was awesome to build a Nautilus with all of the finalized components instead of the re-used and handmade parts we use for development.

During assembly we caught a few minor details that needed updating; that’s why we did a trial production! Now all of our designs are in their finished form and are ready for final production! With everything finalized now, we are planning to ship printers by the end of June, which means that pre-orders will close very soon. If you’ve been waiting to get your order in, now’s the time!


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Source Files Published

Those of you who have followed the development of the Nautilus know that we have been planning to release our design files and make the printer open source. We could not have gotten this far without the resources provided by other open source developers, and we are excited to contribute to that community! Since we have now finalized our designs for the release of the first Nautilus, we published our files online!

If you are interested in the hardware or software that makes the Nautilus so outstanding, feel free to check out our GitHub. Files are available for all of the firmware for the Duet and Panel as well as the designs for custom parts and manufacturing jigs/ fixtures!



Filtration System Development

The Nautilus is ready to release, but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped developing awesome new tools and features to improve your Additive Manufacturing experience. We have also been hard at work developing a filtration and circulation system for the Nautilus!

The Nautilus’ enclosure offers two main features: it helps control temperature as well as keeping fumes and micro-plastic particles contained. Our new filtration system will remove those fumes and particles without compromising temperature control. This will help eliminate odors produced during normal printing as well as to remove the toxic by-products of more technical materials like PVC. Our current iteration uses a powerful Carbon HEPA filter to remove both particles and odors from your Nautilus.

Keep an eye on these monthly updates as well as social media for more details as they become available!