March Update 2019


New Space

We have officially moved!

Our new warehouse space is located in NE Portland and we share it with a number of other Portland based companies. The space we have is 10 times the size of the tiny office where the two of us developed and tested the Nautilus.

Once we are all set up, we plan to look into open houses and workshops for the local community.

Gearing up for Production

Now that we have our much larger space we are ready to think about production of the Nautilus 3D printer. We set out to begin production in March, and are doing our best to meet that goal. Lead times on some parts might push us into early April, but we feel confident that we can come pretty close to our original goal.

We plan to do a trial production run, the printers from which will be used for our final production print farm. So the 3D printed parts one the production Nautili will be printed on Nautili :)



Midwest RepRap Festival

It was mentioned in a previous blog post, but we’ll say it again, we have booked our trip to the Midwest RepRap Festival commonly referred to as MRRF. We can’t wait to share the Nautilus there and meet everyone in the community that stops by.

If you are unable to make it, keep an eye on our social networks for pictures etc.